London Bridge is falling down!

I had my audition on Monday (May 15).  I had come down with a cold so I croaked through with no voice (it’s still not back a week later).  I hope it showed them that I would show up with a big smile and a great attitude no matter what.  We started out playing some games to learn everyone’s names.  There were some people from Scotland, Ireland, Sicily, and Russia.  I wasn’t the oldest! We broke up into groups and improvised short Shakespeare plays (my group did MacBeth). I rocked my monologue (like last time, some of the girls came up to me afterward to ask where it was from).  I read a scene from Midsummer Night’s dream and played a gangster in a play about harassment.  I feel 70% satisfied.  If I don’t get it this year, I will try again next year.  They will cast starting on Monday May 22, so I should hear either way that week.

Dessert from the Monkey Temple Restaurant (Thanks Nedra!)
mini dessert


The rest of the week I lounged until Rose got off of work, then we mooched around London.  I met up with Big Ben from THeatrino at a bar where he sometimes works.  There was a cat who seemed to own the place.

kitty cat tending bar
Cat on a barstool

I met Rose at St. Paul’s Cathedral

Can you see me there by the pillar?
My view from the steps. I really felt like I was in London.







Ancient Ruins

St. Paul’s at night
View from the roof

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