Shortly before the fire alarm went off and we took the stairs down from the rooftop
On Thursday night, Rose turned to me and asked if I would like to go to a bull pole on Saturday.
A what?
A bull pull!
Patrick couldn’t understand what she was saying either.
Like when you are a kid and there are balls in a pool.    Oh! A ball pit!  It was a bottomless pro secco brunch where you lazed in a ball pit and ate food shaped like balls (like meatballs).  We were so excited, we said ball pool about a thousand times, but came to find out when we went to buy our tickets that it was sold out.
Instead, on Saturday we slept in, had some tea and snacks, chatted, laughed, watched videos on youtube (I introduced Rose to Hamilton — my sister, Megan had gone to see it the night before), had some more snacks, and by the time we were up and ready to go, it was 8pm.  It was so nice to be with my good friend again.  We met up with Rose’s friend Cat for some drinks in the neighborhood.
Me, Rose and Cat with our baklava fork
The baklava shop
On Sunday we had a lovely day in Windsor and toured the castle (where the queen lives when she isn’t at Buckingham Palace).  The rooms (where we couldn’t take pictures) were as ornate and heavily decorated as one would expect, but were smaller than I imagined.
Colin Firth, I mean, King George’s grave

This is where I imagine the queen lives
This garden in the waterless moat

The canal

Rose suggested I pose with the post box
Weekend in Windsor

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