Tomorrow (May 9th) I will be flying from Sacramento to Seattle to Vancouver to London where one of my favorite people (Rose) will greet me at the airport.

I remember crying and writing in my journal as I flew into Nice, France almost 6 years ago to start my first round of Summer Camps in Italy.  I was nervous and excited to have committed to spend the next three months in a country where I had never been to before and where I didn’t speak the language.  It felt like I was embarking on a whole new life, which I was, but it wasn’t as disorienting as I thought it would be.  Like all the other trips I’ve taken, it made me want more.  Since I came back to the states four and a half years ago, my goal has been to return to Europe.  Every year I would think about how I could squeeze in a trip abroad with a few of my 16 days off a year.  As I was being read the letter that explained the terms of the elimination of my position, all I was thinking about was when I would go see Rose in England.  Now this trip that I’ve been subconsciously planning for years and actually planning for months is finally here.  I’ll let you know how it goes!


Europe here I come!

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