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Some of my adventures off the ship didn’t warrant a whole post, so I’ll group some of them together here.

St Thomas

The Wyland artist painted this ship that I saw several times in St. Thomas
St. Thomas has the best grilled cheese and fries at Tap & Still. It’s right in the port. You can get as many toppings as you want including grilled onions and mushrooms. This is where the crew hang out when they can get off but don’t have enough time to explore further in port. I’ve had some great bonding sessions here.
St. Thomas also has wild chickens who bring their chicks around too.


We were in Antigua every two weeks, but there weren’t any tours that called my name and there wasn’t much to do right at the port. For our last time in Antigua I joined Jin and Milosh from the Production team to go find one of Angigua’s beautiful beaches. Boy did we find one.

We only had a couple of hours, but it was everything you’d want from a Caribbean beach.

Crew Tour on some island

I honestly can’t remember which island this was, but there was a crew tour where we could go from one island to this little island resort with waterslides, beaches and included food and drinks. I had to stay on the ship the first time they did it, but it was so popular that the held it again the next time around.

Here we are with the water slides (me, Ana and Kez)
We had to take a selfie to show how much fun we were having (Melhia, me, Ana and Hailey)
Then everyone else jumped in the picture: Kez, Molly, me, Melhia, Maddie (she was traveling with her boyfriend who was doing some Ocean Medallion stuff onboard while we were all out playing), Ana, Marta (Hailey’s replacement as a lead navigator) and Hailey
Then Ana and I had to take a sister’s photo
Here’s the whole gang on the ferry going back
and just our group of girls

Tour in Cozumel

For our last day off in Cozumel, Ana and I managed to get a tour together (she had gotten a moments that matter award which is kind of like employee of the month). We got to drive these little go carts to a beach.

Driving through Mexico was a little scary to me, but these vehicles couldn’t go more than 25 miles an hour.

I was on the Wake Show (the local what to do on the ship TV show with the Cruise Director) that week, said what I would be doing in Cozumel, and these guys were big Wake Show fans. They booked the tour so they could hang out with us.


Here’s a sunset in Roatan and the chairlift that takes us too and from the beach.

Fort Lauderdale

This is me and Kelly Engelen, otherwise known as Kelly Rose. She has worked with Princess for a long time and befriended my mom and Ron Voyage a long time ago. Now my mom and Ron vacation regularly with her parents! I’d never met the other Kelly, but she was the Entertainment Director on the Crown Princess, and they were docked in Fort Lauderdale on the same day. I ran into her in the parking lot!
This is my favorite pizza in the Caribbean. It can be found at Giorgios on SE 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale, right around the corner from the port. In the summer they didn’t open until 5pm on Saturdays (after we sail) which was a huge disappointment. Sometimes I would get off the ship in Fort Lauderdale just for this pizza.

Airport Beach, St. Maarten

We had been to St. Maarten every other week last summer, and would be again this summer. I’d been there many times. Many people had talked about Airport Beach and how cool it was, but it was on the other side of the island and you had to take a taxi, and so it was better to go with a group of people, which meant you had to arrange that and then all get on the same page and go out together and have enough time off so I’d never managed it. Well, the last St. Maarten (the island has a Dutch side and a French side. I’ve kayaked both) before wet dock I arranged to go to Airport Beach with Kez, the Destination Expert, and Melhia, our Fortuna Luck and Pirate Queen. We stopped at the little store that sells cheap beer on the pier and I found that their prices were just slightly inconsistent.

Or perhaps the prices were going up before my very eyes.

Kez walked us into town and we found the public bus that would take us to Airport Beach. I love public transportation in other countries. The bus took a little longer than a taxi would, but it was only $4 per person (instead of $10). And we got to meet the couple from the Netherlands who were going to the airport (they were on the island for vacation) as well as the local kids who were not in school at the moment (but were wearing their school uniforms).

We got to the beach and, though it had been described to me, it was way cooler than what I expected. The planes flew right over us. At the time, I chose to experience it in real life rather than through my phone, so I don’t have any good pictures. I did take my mom to Airport Beach when she came to visit me on the ship, so I’ll tell you more about that later.

But we still had a gorgeous day, turquoise water and great company. We went and had some over-priced food at the restaurant on the water and talked about life.

Melhia did a photo shoot in the water
And then she passed out in the taxi on the way back.
I mean, it was priceless.
Off the Ship!

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