My views do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

This job was really hard at the beginning, but it also became really fun.  These were the times that I was pinching myself, baffled that this is really my life.

We trained in entertainment, we learned the High Seas Heist, we learned Detourist.  And then some Sand Castle experts came onboard to teach us how to make sand castles.  They taught Stef and Toby because they were the last people to learn something new.  And then I got to shadow.  This is my work schedule for one day in Princess Cays– I had a Dare to Dare workshop, then come to the beach and build sand castles.

Here’s Toby putting on the finishing touches.  I didn’t realize his butt crack was showing when I took the picture, but he posted it on Facebook fully aware, so I think it’s okay to share here.

A little one and a big one!  It’s actually a lot of physical work to make these, but it’s still pretty cool.

See!  I was there!

In Curious photography we learn to capture the feeling in a photograph.  There’s nothing like palm trees on a beach to make you feel like you’re on vacation.

I liked to bring as much sand back to the ship with me as possible.

One day I was texting with my friend Carly and she asked if they were still working me to the bone.  I responded, ‘Today is my day off so they’re sending me to Party City.”  I was sent to get stuff for Canada Day and 4th of July.  She laughed and said “I don’t think the phrase ‘it’s my day off so they’re sending me to party city’ has ever been uttered.

This is my boss, Micca, trying on the wig and sunglasses I wear for High Seas Heist.

Another day with Sandcastles on my schedule:

This is Stef

These are my best friends Stef and Jase in the crew bar after they cleaned out the locker with old costumes.  Jase is wearing leopard pants.

I swam in a cave in Mexico.  I’ll tell you more about that later.

I got to play with Dolphins in Grand Cayman.  I tell you more about this later too.

I got to meet Captain Stubing from the Love Boat.  I told him I was a Junior Assistant Julie.

I got to play with monkeys in the Dominican Republic.

I wore this blow up costume and danced in the Rhythm of the Caribbean party.  

And I got to hang out with real parrots in St. Thomas.  When I was the blow up parrot I tried to copy their dance moves.

This is my other boss, Steve, all dressed up for the paper airplane competition.

Oh, and I lived on the ocean and got to see sunsets like these.


Pinching myself

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