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Yay! We finally got Crew Shore Leave! In St. Thomas I had business to attend to. Our first stop was my favorite coffee shop where I got a delicious iced coffee, and a perfect egg and cheese sandwich on a croissant. My next stop was the pedicure place, and then Jeremy and I planted ourselves at the bar of Tap and Still where we waited to get hungry enough for grilled cheese. I have many treasured memories from this very spot, but this is the one with Jeremy.

The next time we were in St. Thomas, Jayson insisted that I take him on the same journey. The massage chairs at the nail place massaged me in more places than the ones at home, and he wanted to try it.

And here I am with Jayson in almost the same spot.

Most of the time in the Caribbean the best thing to do when you get off the ship is to find a beach. So that’s what we did.