My views do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
Work, work, work, work, well, more like wake up early and get paid to play and dance and chat and work, and stay up late preparing and playing, and then I find myself with some free time in tropical paradise. Bora Bora was noted as one of the coveted destinations and I was really lucky to get it off. This was the port Lauren was most excited to visit out of all the places we went. Matt had to work, so Jarred and I took the water shuttle to the island.

I was told to snorkel with Manta Rays– this was the only place to do it. It wouldn’t be on a Princess tour, so I would have to find a private one. Honestly, as much as I wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity, I just didn’t have the energy for a 3 or 4 hour boat tour. Those tours are really fun but exhausting, and I was already exhausted. So I looked gazed at the tours and then surrendered. Jarred and I found the bus to the beach. There was also a bar that everyone went to on the way, so we decided we’d stop on the way back if we wanted to. We didn’t.

This beach on Bora Bora lived up to its reputation. As far as beaches go, it was perfect. The water was that clear and warm.

There was no Wifi, but there was local beer and overpriced French sandwiches. Jarred let me use his phone to call my mom– he had international data. We swam and sunned.

It felt like the whole ship was there on the beach, I couldn’t go 5 steps without being called by someone I knew. This was what it was like to be famous!

We went out in the water and did a photo shoot.

I felt guilty. Well, maybe disappointed. The truth had been verified. I’m not a beach person. Put me in an old town sitting at a street cafe and I will oogle at the details. Here I looked around and found myself in someone else’s paradise. I tried to enjoy it for them– for you if you are a beach person. It was a great beach. I preferred to be there than working. But it wasn’t my heaven. If it’s yours, I hope you can make it there someday– it’s worth the trip.