It’s hard to find cool new things I haven’t done in Sacramento, but my Aunt Wendy somehow finds these amazing things I didn’t know I wanted to do. She saw a sign on the side of the River Road for a wine tasting boat ride, and signed us up as a gift for my cousin Cameron’s fiancĂ©, Selina’s, birthday.
It was a hot day in Sacramento, but down on the river there was a breeze.

Emil, our guide and Captain ushered us onto the boat and guided us out onto the river

It was so nice to be out on the water with people I loved. Suddenly I was brought back to my favorite experiences on the water in Amsterdam and kayaking. Those times I was on my own. It was really nice to be there with family. Emil told us about how he got the idea for the river cruise and how he went all the way to Boston to get exactly the boat he wanted. It certainly was delightful.

As the sun set, we floated under the bridge we frequently drive over to get to town. And we even got back in time to get me on my red-eye to New York. This evening had all my favorite things: family, wine, cheese, floating on the water, a sunset and a gentle breeze.