My views do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

On January 15th, I picked up my schedule for the next day, and saw that I had a WHOLE DAY OFF. These are extremely rare and treasured. My first contract I had one evening off. I wasn’t really sure what to do with myself. This contract I got a couple of days off because the doctor declared me unfit for duty a couple of times. While we were in service, I would get two more days off (in 8 1/2 months) but I would still have to go to the deck party in the evening. Since we were in St Kitts on my day off, I went to the Shore Excursions office to see if there was any room on the tours to the Island of Nevis. My Uncle Stu come from a long line of Neves farmers, and Alexander Hamilton was supposedly born on this island. I’d been to St. Kitts many times, but with a whole day off (instead of the usual couple of hours) this would be my only opportunity to visit the neighboring island.

We met on the pier where we were escorted to the ferry that would take us over. Then in the distance, this distinctive mountain got closer and closer.

Here is the first Welcome to Nevis sign:

The island’s claim to fame. I wonder if the musical has increased tourism here.

We broke up into groups and were each put in our little buses with our own tour guide.

Here is the house where Hamilton supposedly lived. Now it’s a museum. They weren’t rich so they didn’t live there alone. We just stopped the bus and looked at it from the outside. We didn’t even get out of the vehicle, but I was satisfied. And our guide lives just down the street!

This is a school in Nevis. It might be a college.

This is a very fancy hotel which I think we went to later. Although the hotel we went to seemed to be made up of bungalows so I could be wrong about that.

We stopped to hang out in these natural hot springs. There were a few locals there, but we scared most of them off.

The view from the other direction:

There were more goats walking around on the road than there were people!

This is our guide showing us how to pose in front of the mountain.

I had a go.

The view around the corner:

So many goats!

Here is the hotel where we stoped and toured around the main rooms (and had the opportunity to use the bathroom). It was very luxurious. When Princess Diana visited Nevis, she reserved the whole hotel.

This is the breakfast buffet near the pool.

The pool with the lounge area:

This is a stone building where you could have a private meal for a lot of money.
This cool tree was out front. When it was time to go it started pouring rain. This tree protected us until the bus came to pick us up.

Next we had lunch and some beach time. My friend from Shore Excursions asked me to take some pictures of the food for future tours.

This was the chicken.
I ordered the veggie wrap with plantains. It was great.

The beach was okay. It was overcast, so I took a nap. Then we were bussed back to the ferry.

Goodbye Island of Nevis!
This is the flag for St. Kitts and Nevis.

The tour was everything I wanted it to be. I was really excited to go see it so I could tell my aunt and uncle that I went there (since they are Neves’s) and to add another leg to my Hamilton tour.

When I got back to the ship, I took a nap, went to dinner and then went to bed early. It was a great day.

The Island of Nevis

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