On Saturday we slept until we woke up and then drank tea until we could figure out what we wanted for breakfast.  A full English was the most appropriate.  It was as delicious as it looked.

The sun was shining.  It was a beautiful day so we decided to go to Richmond Park and go for a bike ride.  You can see the map in the reflection of my glasses.

The deer were wandering through the park and the people respectfully got as close as they could.

It was fun to be so close!

There were so many of them!

See! We were there!

This bird caught a ride on the back of this buck

This is how Rose rides a bike– like a bumble bee!

It was such a perfect day.

We stopped to wade in the stream.

There’s Fiona!

Rose is very talented- she can take pictures while riding a bike!

On the way home we stopped for gelato and were complimented on our Italian accents.

Fiona’s gelato almost looks like an Italian flag.

We stopped in this adorable book store and perused the classics.

Then we stopped in a pub for some cider before we went home and ate the most delicious Indian takeout while watching a movie.

The Most Magical Day

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