My views do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

Rose picked me up from the airport and we raced to the theatre.  Louise was in a play and if we hustled we would be there just a couple of minutes after it started.  I met Rose when we toured Italy with Theatrino in 2012.  Louise and Peter were part of the company and I hadn’t seen them since then.  Peter was going to be in the audience as well.  We wove through the streets of London and snuck in the back.  The show had just started.  As we walked in Rose wondered how we would know which one was Louise since the show was done in masks– had she mentioned that?

The show was amazing.  There were no words spoken, and the masks showed a variety of emotions without showing expression.  In the Detourist workshops, we had been mentioning the importance of body language in communication, and it became wildly obvious as it was the only form of communication in this play.  It was amazing to assess what was going on and hear everyone’s interpretations in the end.  The show was only an hour and 10 minutes, but they had a Q&A afterward.

Rose and I checked our faces to see if we were as shiny as we felt.

We had to take a group picture and I think I love these candid shots more than the posed one.  You can really see how happy we were to see each other again.

When I was thinking about the pros and cons of working on a cruise line, one of my concerns was being able to make friends in a short amount of time with people who would come and go.  But then I thought about my experience in Italy.  For 3 weeks we rehearsed in San Remo and then we were put into groups of 4 and sent our separate ways.  Over the next few months, our paths would cross in a city and we would meet up for a meal or share a flat for a few days, pulling each other aside to share our frustrated stories and make sure we weren’t the crazy one.  We were all going through a similar thing.  It blows my mind that we only worked together for 6 months and we weren’t even together that whole time and I still feel such a bond with some of them.  If I could make friends in these circumstances, I thought I might be able to make some friends during a 6 month contract.

Later that week we went to see Sinead Harnett at Koko.  Rose and her roommate, Fiona went to school with Sinead and now she was a rockstar.

I appreciated that the venue was my initials.

She was a headliner!

The show was awesome.  I enjoyed the songs even though I wasn’t familiar with them, and it was so cool to hear the crowd singing along.  It was another awesome reunion even if I wasn’t the one reuniting.

Plus I got to go to a concert in London!

Reunited in London

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