My views do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

I’ve told you a lot about the excursions I’ve gone on during my time off.  On August 11, my mom and Ron Voyage came aboard so my mom could see me work.  She’s gone everywhere and seen everything so everyone was very confused that she wasn’t there to see the Caribbean– she came to see me.  She took lots of pictures which will make it easier for me to tell you about what I actually did for work.

Here I am in my blues.  I have to say I look pretty amazing in this picture in spite of the fact that I hate this outfit.  It’s big and bulky and hot and it feels very stuffy wearing it.

It was the first week we had the Ocean Medallion internet on the Caribbean Princess.  Ron was very happy to learn he had free fast unlimited wifi– no need to get off the ship!

Here I am hanging out with Dan at Entertainment Island, where we tell people who just got on board about all the entertainment we have available.

Stef dancing with kid at sail away.  

This was our last sail away party with line dances before we switched to the new Ocean sail away party with dancers and costumes.

Here I am doing the paper airplane competition.  We make it a pretty big deal.  If someone gets hit by a paper airplane I run over to them to see if they survived the plane crash.  There are many miracles.

Here Stef and I are doing speedy water colors in the piazza.

Everyone gets to paint for 2 minutes.  It’s very exciting.  

Here we are at the Rhythms of the Caribbean party.  We do line dances and play a hat game. The next week I wore the blow up parrot costume.  That was really fun.

Here I am hosting Disney Trivia

Here’s Jase!  We did Majority Rules for the first time that night.

My cabin was really clean right after crew rounds (every other cruise they would check our cabins to make sure we were following the rules and keeping things neat).

Ron and my Entertainment Director, Lisa.  

We had wine and appetizers with my friend Delisa.

They were yummy.  

Then I did the Yes/No Gameshow.  As a host, we have conversations with the guests and they try not to say yes or no.  It’s one of my favorite games– it’s really funny to watch people try to take over the conversation or when they think they’re going to win and then they mess up at the very end.  When I’m in the booth, I take sign ups and then make up things about the passengers when I introduce them.

Here I am for Zumba!  I love getting my exercise in as part of my job.  Plus it was fun considering that the first time I did Zumba was on a ship with my mom.

Here we are learning the new sail away dance for the next week.

4th of July wasn’t on this cruise, but it didn’t really fit in anywhere else.  I was sent to Party City to get some bling for Canada Day and Independence day, but Fort Lauderdale didn’t have anything to celebrate Canada day.

But we did find temporary tattoos!

In Roatan we got off the ship and walked by all of the shops and then walked along the beach.  My mom wanted this picture so she could claim that she swam with turtles, but it was too hot to climb on the turtle.

We had glow in the dark face paint for the Caribbean Heat deck party.

We snuck mom into the crew bar, though there is no photographic evidence that she was there.

Here we are doing horse racing with the wooden horses.

This is Liar’s club.

We are given some obscure words and tell a story to explain the definition of the word and then the passengers have to guess which person is telling the truth.

Hole in one competition in the Piazza.

Here I am doing trivia.  

Here I am being interrogated as Tiffany Chastain in the High Seas Heist.  My priceless necklace was stolen and Officer Garret (played by Micca the Cruise Director) is asking me about what happened that night.

Here we are in our new costumes rehearsing for the new sail away party.

In Cozumel I had to take my mom to the awesome nacho place.  We were almost eaten by a shark on the way there.

On the last sea day we did the Crew vs. Passengers Water Volleyball Tournament.  If you know me well, you know how much I know about sports– it’s about as much as I care about sports.  So the first time I was scheduled for Water Volleyball, I was stoked.  I got to swim in the pool for my job!  Quick question.  How do you play Volleyball?  I was told that I wouldn’t be playing, I would be hosting.  Follow up question: how do you play Volleyball?  I tried to understand the rules without much context and appreciated that my job was to be entertaining.  When I host, I explain that I thought I was here to judge the watercolor contest, so I quickly googled the rules.  I give team names and mascots because that’s important to me.  First is a West Side Story reference: The Hamilton (cause the ship is from Hamilton, Bermuda) Hot Tub Jets vs. The Fort Lauderdale Sharks (because the passengers all came from Fort Lauderdale at some point).  Then there is the Hamilton Sea Witches vs. the Fort Lauderdale Dragons (because who else would fight a sea witch — that’s what they call the lady painted on the side of the Princess ships).  Finally we have the Hamilton Stanley the Bears (the Princess mascot) vs. the Fort Lauderdale Sting Rays (or whatever sea animal I got to pet that week).  I then use every sports term I know to keep score– Micca is up to bat and he gets a touchdown.  The crew have a handicap of 3 because we only have 3 players this week compared to the other team’s 6. The first team to get a point gets one love.

Sometimes I actually do get to play.  I swing for that ball but usually miss it.  One time I actually got a point!  I was hitching myself up against the back of the pool getting ready to attempt to serve when Stef (who was hosting) told me to keep my eye on the ball.  I thought that was just a baseball thing!  So I looked at the ball and got the point which won the game.  It was a moment in history.

Here we are dressed up for Country Western Night

Here we are at the balloon drop party.

So basically I dance at parties, play games, greet people outside the theatre, make up stories, wear costumes, teach workshops about curiosity, host trivias, swim in the pool and talk to people.

My job

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