On Saturday we visited Harvard Square– the lady in the souvenir shop and our Lyft driver suggested it! It was a little dreary.
Here we are with JFK.
Wendy wasn’t that impressed with the courtyard, but we were impressed with the homemade ice cream! We enjoyed window shopping and seeing all the college students with their parents (after some serious investigation and eavesdropping we figured out it was parents’ weekend).
Since we were in the neighborhood, my aunt and uncle on my dad’s side invited us over for dinner.

I had such a great time hanging out with both sides of my family!

The conversation never lagged. Michael asked what we were doing on this side of the country, and Wendy told him we were going to visit my grandmother’s favorite vacation spot– a place they hadn’t been to since 1967, when they also went to Expo ’67. Michael said his family was at Expo ’67!

I caught my Boston family up on my adventures and they told us about their trip to Portugal (Wendy’s husband Stu is Portuguese and they want to go there). We heard about Michael’s latest exploits as an Expert Witness where he helps immigrants who may have trouble understanding their Miranda Rights. That led to discussions of our shared love of cultural differences and travel and how are the boys doing, and Megan and Tim, and AJ is about to have a baby! and Penelope another one! The night flew by.

I can never get enough of these people!