Happy Birthday!  We met at Friedman’s, Amanda’s favorite restaurant because the food is just so good.  Ever since I had that burrata at Il Buco I’ve been all over it, and tonight was no different!  The silky cheesy creamy burrata sat on a pillow of fresh pesto and we spread it on slightly toasted ciabatta.

Then we shared a plate of sides (sweet potato fries, mac and cheese and brussel sprouts and an Asian salad.  It was solid.

Then we strolled over to another preview night of The Band’s Visit.

The show sold out when it was off Broadway.  We walked in and it told us to “Please turn off your cell phones” in English, Hebrew and Arabic. The lights went down.  Then on the black screen covering the stage we were told that some time ago, a group of Egyptian musicians traveled to Israel.

“You probably didn’t hear about it. It wasn’t very important.”

The musicians were supposed to go to a venue at which they had been invited to play, but accidentally went to a very small town that wasn’t expecting them.  The stories were adorable.  I enjoyed the songs, conversations and interactions between the travelled and the untravelled, between those who felt stuck and those who were living lives they had chosen and people who were at the beginning or end of long relationships.  The music was great, the stories endearing, and we left feeling delighted.

It was our last show together (Amanda had to go to Delaware for work the next morning) so we had to take a picture.  


The Band’s Visit on Amanda’s Birthday

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