When it was time for me to leave Sequim, Sarah and Derek were housesitting, so I asked if I could housesit their house.  They are walking distance from Sloan’s lake (round trip around the lake from their front door is about 5 miles) and I took advantage of that! One day I came home to find a cricket guarding the house.

It was the first time since I moved out of my studio apartment that I was completely alone for a 24 hour period.  I scheduled my day moment by moment rather than activity by activity.  I read my Dalai Lama book, I did some pushups and sit-ups, and I climbed into a couple modules from the Paradise Pack.  I bought the Paradise pack (a collection of books and lessons on how to live remotely and/or travel more) for the “Get a life at Sea” online class (which I had already devoured) and thought I’d check out what else was in there.  I started with the sweet-ass journal for happiness and the 30 day money cleanse.  It’s so nice to be in a place where writing down my gratitudes morning and night doesn’t significantly shift my attitude.

On Sunday I visited Sarah’s house sit where they have these adorable street signs

And a hot tub!  I got to use my swimsuit (which has been having a hard time justifying it’s place in my suitcase).

Then on Wednesday I temporarily moved in with Drummer, the sweetest Irish Wolfhound you’ll meet.  He even has his own blog – http://drummerhound.blogspot.com.

At 150lbs his back comes up to my hip.  He’s a big dog.

We walked all over the neighborhood!

Drummer likes to roll in the grass

And hang out with me in the basement

One day we saw an incredible rainbow.

On Sunday we went to the Stapleton Farmers Market where I got this veggie quiche,

Incredible pasta

And a Siamese twin yellow squash (with some other local vegetables)

One day while Drummer and I were out walking, there was a TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN

All the neighbors were out with their special glasses.  We didn’t have glasses, but I sure enjoyed the shadows

Now for one night I get to stay with my friend Liz, and her kitty cat (and two dogs and fiancé) before I fly back to Philadelphia!

House sitting in Denver

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