Thank you Amanda Hosking for the title of this post.  With my new phone I took so many pictures on my all day tour that I’m going to break it up.  Yes, I’m going to be one of those people who takes a million pictures of the same thing and doesn’t edit out the redundant ones.  You’ll see why.

After an hour we stopped for a bathroom break by a castle.  I took a picture because I finally had a working phone while visiting a castle even though the light made it hard to capture.

Here is a statue of a short king that was in front of the castle.

The girl at the hostel told me to get a window seat on the driver’s side.  I followed her advice and I wasn’t sorry.  I was even so selfish that I didn’t offer to trade with the girl sitting next to me to give her a turn.  She was from China and slept a lot of the way there.

Here is my first glimpse of the coast.  I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.

A giant crown on a roundabout

I think those Islands are Scotland.  The one on the left looks like a submarine and story goes that someone bombed it and was very frustrated when it didn’t go down.  

This coast was just spectacular

We stopped here and I tried to capture a picture before we moved on.  It’s a little blurry because the bus moved again just as I was taking it.

So pretty.

This is the harbor that Arya jumped off of in Game of Thrones.  A lot of Game of Thrones is filmed in Northern Ireland and my bus driver drove the cast and the extras around on his bus.  

More pretty coast.

There used to be a railroad along the coast.

I liked the little statue on the roof:

Okay here we go

Now closer

The path we walked along

There’s the rope bridge I paid 6.50 extra to cross

Just waiting in line to cross the bridge

Here I go!

On the way over I was too scared to take pictures on the bridge.  But I took them from the island!

Someone else crossing the bridge.

I’m having such a good time! I can use present tense because I was on this day and I am as I write this.  In Wheatridge there is an Irish bar called Clancy’s that I would go to with Ben, Carly Emily and Josh.  Inside they have TVs that play a loop of video of Ireland.  I would watch those videos over and over wishing to be there.  Now here I was!

Let’s see how far around this panorama can go!

One without sunglasses?

Like, how would you choose which ones of these to delete?

More coast

More rock

Here we go again!

They said not to look down, but I did.

From the bridge

After all that, signs pointed to a viewpoint on the way back.

Like, seriously.  So much fun.

I know, this looks familiar, but it was still pretty on the way back.

I might need both angles.

So then back on the bus, the driver kept raving about all the Game of Thrones stuff at the restaurant we were going to for lunch.  They had a door and a sword and a costume of a warrior the girls could try on… and… the THRONE!!!  Here is the door.

I was so excited to see the throne, but then when I saw that it was just this touristy gimmick I didn’t even pose in it.  

Now back on the bus to the next stop!

The Cliffs of INSANITY!!

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