I woke up at 6am to catch the bus to the bus to the airport to fly to Belfast- hold on a minute.  I’ll finish that sentence in a bit, but first I have to tell you that I flew on this discount airline that I’d never heard of and it occurred to me on the bus to the airport that maybe it was a scam- they took my money, sent me a strange boarding pass, told me the app was hard to find and I couldn’t find it and I would get to the airport and there would be no flybe airlines but there was.  And I got to ride this small plane!

My very friendly Belfastian seat mate let me sit by the window even though it wasn’t my assigned seat.  When they did the safety speech they told us that if any of our electronics begin to smoke, we should inform a crew member immediately.  I hadn’t heard that one before!  Okay, back to that sentence…

to the bus to the long walk to the hostel where I dropped off my bags, walked outside on my way to Tourist Information when my phone died.  And didn’t respond to the charger I bought in Glasgow.  I went to the TI, booked a tour for Giant’s Causeway for the next day, but was told to make some friends before booking a black cab tour.  I got the deal about the bus from Derry to Glasgow from TI as well.  I’d spent about 6 hours on various websites trying to book a bus from Derry to anywhere, and failed, thus stopping me from planning my trip in Ireland.  I learned that you buy your ticket on the bus.  I should be fine getting to Glasgow.  This made me very nervous, but there is nothing I can do but wing it.  By then I was starving so I found myself a veggie Irish breakfast and ate my fill.  There was a tour of the City Hall tour at 2pm so I went on that.  It’s a beautiful building but I can’t show you because my phone was dead.  I walked the 20 minutes back to the hostel to find out where the Apple Store was and sure enough! It was right by the City Hall.  This was starting to feel like Saturday all over again and I was over this nonsense!  I went to the Apple Store, considered all of my options and 2 1/2 hours later, walked out with a new iPhone.  I sat in my little dorm room looking out at this church as my new phone updated.

I walked around the corner looking for a pub to make my arrival in Ireland official with a Guinness and shot of Jameson.  I couldn’t wait until Dublin to do this.

I sat in the little pub appreciating my new phone’s ability to connect to city wifi and chatted with my friends back home.  Before I knew it it was 10pm so I ordered another pint for dinner and went to bed in anticipation of a big next day to Giant’s Causeway.

The Apple Store in Belfast

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