On Sunday I spent the morning catching you up on my adventures and leisurely ate my fill of the €3 breakfast offered at the hostel.  I decided to spend the afternoon following the canal down to the Seine.  It was still hot (another 90 degree day) so I sought as much shade as I could find.  Right by my hostel (the part that seems like the most awesome hang out in town in the evening) was covered with families and children selling children’s toys like a market/yard sale.  I continued on.

There were some locks along the canal and I paused to see if they would open.

They didn’t, so I continued on.

Then I found a tour boat near a lock, and sure enough, it went through! I found this very exciting having gone through the Panama Canal last year.

The boat in the lock

A little bit of water starts flowing in…

Then a lot of water!

The gates open

And then the boat went through.

Further down the canal I found this enchanting park with a rose garden

And a boat from New Zealand for my mom

This seemed to be where all the boats parked.

On the way back, I wove through the streets and found a place with vegetarian pizza with eggplant and zucchini.  I sat and read my book sweating profusely, drank two large bottles of water and a mojito.  The couple next to me was celebrating the man’s birthday.  Surprisingly, because it was uphill, the walk back wasn’t as long as I remembered it.  The part of the canal closer to my hostel had transformed back to the adult hang out with games and music.  Tired, I decided that if I woke up naturally before 8am the next morning, I would go to Disneyland.  Despite being so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep until well past midnight, I did.

Canal Saint Martin

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