After my frazzled learning experience/adventure getting to the Keukenhof on Saturday, I was determined to overcome my overwhelmment with public transportation.  First, I found a cafe on a canal where I sat in the sun and enjoyed a cappuccino and a veggie omelette (I’m pretty sure it had carrots in it, which was interesting).  Some Italian tourists huddled around the table next to me and I eavesdropped, trying to understand what they were talking about.  Then the figuring out began!  I looked up things to do in Amsterdam and found a brewery under a windmill: 2 things I love with one stop! I looked up how to get there and followed the directions on my app!  I even remembered to check out when I exited the tram.  Soon I was once again sitting in the sun sipping 5 different beers that I couldn’t pronounce, thoroughly enjoying myself.

close to the canal
I love flights!
Better view of the windmill

Later that evening I took the tram to the Jordaan neighborhood (also recommended by the internet), walked around and then sat and read my book sipping wine at a Spanish restaurant.  When I think of Europe I think of sitting in the cafes with the tables right on the narrow streets.  I hope to do that as much as possible over here.

The bell tower near the Anne Frank Huis
More leaning buildings

Street cafes

The Jordaan is right next to the Anne Frank house, where I had a ticket for 8:30pm.  I had read the diary in school and didn’t quite understand how you could hide a whole living space for 8 people– a basement, maybe?  On the tour I discovered that in Amsterdam, people can build buildings behind the front that are difficult to see where they are connected to.  So that was enlightening.

The Front of Otto Frank’s workshop. Pictures aren’t allowed inside


The next day I listened as some girls debated going to see the Anne Frank Huis with their one day in the city.  They opted out of doing something so depressing.  I didn’t think it was depressing.  I especially enjoyed the part at the end of the tour where people shared (on film) how Anne Frank had affected them.

Monday in Amsterdam

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