After my frazzled learning experience/adventure getting to the Keukenhof on Saturday, I was determined to overcome my overwhelmment with public transportation. First, I found a cafe on a canal where I sat in the sun and enjoyed a cappuccino and a veggie omelette (I’m pretty sure it had carrots in it, which was interesting). Some Italian tourists huddled around the table next to me and I eavesdropped, trying to understand what they were talking about. Then the figuring out began! I looked up things to do in Amsterdam and found a brewery under a windmill: 2 things I love with one stop! I looked up how to get there and followed the directions on my app! I even remembered to check out when I exited the tram. Soon I was once again sitting in the sun sipping 5 different beers that I couldn’t pronounce, thoroughly enjoying myself.

Later that evening I took the tram to the Jordaan neighborhood (also recommended by the internet), walked around and then sat and read my book sipping wine at a Spanish restaurant. When I think of Europe I think of sitting in the cafes with the tables right on the narrow streets. I hope to do that as much as possible over here.

The Jordaan is right next to the Anne Frank house, where I had a ticket for 8:30pm. I had read the diary in school and didn’t quite understand how you could hide a whole living space for 8 people– a basement, maybe? On the tour I discovered that in Amsterdam, people can build buildings behind the front that are difficult to see where they are connected to. So that was enlightening.

The next day I listened as some girls debated going to see the Anne Frank Huis with their one day in the city. They opted out of doing something so depressing. I didn’t think it was depressing. I especially enjoyed the part at the end of the tour where people shared (on film) how Anne Frank had affected them.