Hello Friends and Family!

This is a place for you to hear about all of my adventures.  I am right now figuring out how to do a blog, so bear with me.  This week, I plan on posting my adventures from Italy to practice and then next week I will start posting stories and pictures in real time.
For those of you who haven’t heard, I was released from my job last November in the best way possible.  Since I returned to the US from a year in Italy I’ve wanted to explore Europe with savings instead of debt.  Now, with the time and the means to do just that, the adventure begins.  This week I am acclimating my cat to his temporary home in Clarksburg, California, and next week I will set off to London, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Scotland and Ireland.  Here we go!
Hello world!

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2 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Nice upbeat blog. You know I’m not a blog person but you may be converting me.

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